Disk No #495 Program Title: The World Digitized version 1.3 (disk 2 of 3) PC-SIG version 1.4 The World Digitized is a collection of more than 100,000 points of latitude and longitude. When connected together, these co-ordinates form outlines of the entire world's coastlands, islands, lakes, and national boundaries in surprising detail. The World Digitized is a pure data base and as such contains no programs to display the data. Because many would like a starter display program to customize with their own ideas, The World Digitized Basic Display Disk is made available to those who register their copy of The World Digitized. (See the REGSTRTN.LTR file.) Usage: database System Requirements: IBM PC or close compatible, 1 floppy drive, 1 hard drive, Dos 2.0 or later. Suggested Registration: $19.00 File Descriptions: COPYRITE TXT Copyright notice ASIA